go beyond...
About Us:
Why do we do what we do?

We are a newly formed 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization with a simple mission:
Help those in agriculture with limited mobility.
Boundaries exist.  No matter who you are, life has boundaries.  Each one of us has boundaries. Going beyond those boundaries is a nature that is instilled in most of us.  Agriculture Beyond Boundaries, Inc. is an organization rooted in working hard to do what we can to provide opportunities to lessen the boundaries that anyone in agriculture with limited mobility face.  While the mission is simple, the impact is enormously complex.

Agriculture Beyond Boundaries, Inc. was formally organized in 2022, but was mentally formed years earlier as a result of getting my father in and out of a tractor cab one day...

My father grew up in rural Nebraska working on the family farm.  This started the lifelong love of agriculture.  His adult life led him to become and serve as a large animal veterinarian along with running a small farming operation.  Farming was definitely in his blood!  Checking crops and cows, working sheep, cutting hay or just fixing fence brought him joy.  He battled Addison's disease since the 1970's, which contributed to his health issues.  Not to spend a great deal of time focusing on his health struggles, let's just say that eventually this lead him to be in a wheelchair. 

My mother would bring him out to the farm in their wheelchair accessible van and they would drive around just to look at how things were going.  He would always want her to drive further into the pasture or field than you should go in a van with a lowered floor.  This lead me to search for alternatives...unfortunately the alternatives were much too expensive for us to afford. 

One day, before he was permantently in a wheelchair, we were able to get him into a tractor, where he proceeded to work the ground all afternoon.  At the end of the day as we were working to get him out of the cab, he slipped and got wedged in the doorway.  For those of you familiar with tractors know, some have a narrow door that is even more narrow towards the bottom.  We struggled and eventually after much pain to my father we were able to get him out.  It was at this point that I knew that was the last time he would ever get into a tractor.

While he always maintained a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstances were, I could definitely tell, for several weeks after that day in the tractor, a marked improvement in his outlook! 

It was at that point, that I began wondering, WHAT IF!  What if we could make agriculture equipment, supplies and other items that would help those with limited mobility.  What if we could make a tractor cab that would allow a full size wheelchair to be positioned in place of the existing seat? What if we could make (insert anything you can think of here) to help perform some agriculture function? 
What if? Knowing that we all face boundaries: What if there was a way to assist with, some of the physical boundaries? What if while assisting with those physical boundaries, we could in turn positively affect the mental boundaries that are sometimes associated with physical boundaries. 

In creating items that can help with physical boundaries, some situations will also need financial help, what if we could create an opportunity to help with that as well? 

Two simple words, What If!  Simple but profound at the same time. 

What if is a simple mantra that we follow.  We are focused on helping and not limiting our minds to what is currently out there, but expanding our minds to what could be out there... What if we can create something that currently does not exist - exist?

Agriculture Beyond Boundaries, Inc., as mentioned is a newly formed 501 (c) 3 non-profit designed to help those in agriculture with limited mobility. 
We do this by: Invention, Design, Building and Delivering. 

1. Invention - Dreaming up ways to help those with limited mobility.
2. Design - Taking those invented thoughts and carefully engineering them to a safe, solid design.
3. Building - Taking the designs and through in house and contracted manufacturing, build those items.
4. Delivering - Doing what we can to assist those who need the products we have invented, designed and built. 
     (The easiest way to explain this one is to imagine two people, both looking at a new pickup.  One person goes to the dealership lot and buys a $50,000 pickup, the other does the same thing - but then needs to spend an additional $50,000 to have it converted for wheelchair accessibility.  One has an additional $50,000 boundary...What if we could help?  What if we could assist with providing items we have invented, designed and built at a much reduced entry price?)

In closing, I would like to add, that while we are a newly formed organization, our passion runs deep.  As our name implies, we are focused on Agriculture and going beyond boundaries.  Always acknowledging they exist, but not letting them stop us from going beyond...

Kindly help us GO BEYOND!
Lee J. Friesen CEO/Founder
Agriculture Beyond Boundaries, Inc.

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